Thursday, 2 February 2012

Laugh Out Loud!


  1. Hilarious!! What a miser. So Jonathan has finally decided to neglect fixing our roads. Well, unlike "Bad roads", there's nothing like "Bad air" so I completely understand. Just leave the subsidy on riding planes and we'll be

    Who said terrorists can't swallow their ammo. I hope it's only guys on that plane sha?

    1. The day there's ammunition that terrorists can safely swallow Lanre then we should all prepare our Will's. And there is a correction there is a thing like 'bad air'. Ever heard of environmental pollution? Why do you think that sustainable development is always being campaigned for? Infact, the day we all start flying that will also be another death warrant as the air will decay more quickly and the Federal Government is bound to neglect the maintainance of air travel as well. But like you I'm am simply deriding Jonathan's guts at times like this. I thought he was talking of austerity during the fuel riots?

    2. That's a profound point, Dlaw. Never thought of environmental pollution. Thanks for the fresh angle.

  2. Ha ha ha! Thanks, Lanre. But coming to think of it, wouldn't it be better if we all flew by air? No potholes in the air, after all. Yeah, I guess there's always a way to circumvent the system. After all many of these terrorists don't mind dying in the process. I know, just imagine guys and ladies all naked on the for thought!

  3. lol, nicely done. I wouldn't be shocked if in 10-15 years, people are kinda required to be naked on planes. The world is giving up its human right and dignity at an alarming rate in exchange for "security"

    1. Fact is man has been giving up bits of their human rights in exchange for personal security since the dawn of life.for instance early man restricted the places they went to, for fear of we happily trade our rights to ensure preservation of life, although we do this reluctantly. The question becomes, how much are we willing to give up to ensure our security is guaranteed?

    2. @Chuksrant

      I think heightened security in airports is slightly justified, but yes it does come at a great cost - human dignity.

      I also agree with Will, sometimes something's got to give. Question is, where do we draw the line?

      Thanks for your comment.

  4. What a laugh! The first cartoon is really hilarious but thought provoking also. I guess when it comes to security, nothing is off limits. Still, naked passengers? The second, was a bit esoteric for me.
    Nice one once again Oluchi!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Will. Yes, the first cartoon is hilarious and thought-provoking.

      Sorry if you didn't catch the second cartoon. It takes a Nigerian to understand the full impact. The man leading the other planes is our president. Instead of repairing the abysmally bad roads, the govt has found a way round it by creating air transport (according to the cartoon)...hope that sheds some light on it.

  5. What a laugh! The first cartoon is really hilarious but thought provoking also. I guess when it comes to security, nothing is off limits. Still, naked passengers? The second, was a bit esoteric for me.
    Nice one once again Oluchi!

  6. Fresherangle you are really hilarious! I could not stop laughing over the first cartoon. The day it gets to that level hmm...let's see the implications: the end of the right to human dignity, the end of the sovereignty of nations. Wow, it will be a scary time. Hopefully I'll be long gone before then.
    As for President Jonathan of Nigeria's latest gaffe, well it has left me speechless. I thought that he was talking of 'austerity measures' a few weeks ago during Nigeria's fuel riots? Thus I am in full support of all my fellow commentators.

  7. Dlaw, thanks for your comment. Indeed, let's hope it never gets to people travelling naked. LOL. Even the thought is preposterous enough!
