Wednesday 14 March 2012

Male + Female = 'Shemale'

I can’t remember at what point in my childhood I recognised that I was a girl. Maybe it was innate: I just knew that I was fashioned differently from a boy – I wore dresses and earrings; I wanted different things like Barbie dolls; my anatomy was different too. Consequently, my world was and continues to be filtered through different eyes; processed through different emotions and inclinations.

Fundamentally men and women are different, and they are different for a purpose. Men bring reason and rationality; women temper rationality with human emotions. It is our unique differences that give us the balance we need for a rounded life. Consequently, it deeply bothers me when politically correct fanatics go all out to blur the lines between men and women. It is not just absurd, but disgusting when certain stories take centre page in the news. Here are some striking examples:

“UK man gives birth to baby”
 A British man who underwent a sex change operation to become a man gave birth after another surgery that reactivated his womb.
Parents Who Raised Child as ‘Neutral’ Reveal The 5 Year Old Is a Boy
A couple who raised their child as "gender neutral" for five years so the infant's "real personality" could shine through have finally revealed he is a boy.
“NHS (Britain’s National Health Service) Gives Puberty Delay Drugs To Children With Gender Identity Disorder”
Five-year-old boy Zach Avery
 The NHS is giving injections of ‘puberty delay’ drugs to children who believe they have been born the wrong sex.

I’m shaking my head as I rehash these stories because these are just a few of many that have been churned out of the coffers of morally bankrupt, PC gone bonkers opportunists. What on earth is the world coming to?

And as if that is not enough, we are all expected to have unanimous viewpoints.  Leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland, Cardinal Keith O’Brien has received a volley of criticism for taking a stand against plans by the British government to legalise gay marriage in the UK by 2015. I don’t know what critics are bleating about. He is a first of all a Christian, then also a priest. His religious views do not chime with gay marriage – obviously – why then should he support it? I am also a Christian and I do not support gay marriage. I love everyone, including gay people. I have worked with them and they are some of the nicest people to be around, but don’t expect me to bend my religious and personal convictions just to appear politically correct. Sorry love, no one is going to change me into a generic prototype. We cannot hold the same views, express the same views, and pursue the same views, even if political correctness prescribes it.

 Sex = biology; gender = social construct 
Here is how the madness all begins. A child is born either male or female – neither the parents nor the child has a hand in what sex they are. A girl is likely to be dressed in pink and given dolls; a boy dressed in blue and introduced to the world of chu chu trains and cars. Somewhere along the line, the boy begins to think, something doesn’t feel right.  I’m actually a girl trapped in a boy’s body. He doesn’t want chu chu trains, fast cars and other boyish things. He wants to wear fancy dresses, paint his nails and become one of the girls. He lives his whole life feeling abnormal. At some point he is so overwhelmed, he builds the courage to seek medical help, then slap bang – it all comes together. He is suffering from gender identity disorder!
This is how the U.S National Library of Medicine defines it:
Gender identity disorder is a conflict between a person's actual physical gender and the gender that person identifies himself or herself as.

Some symptoms:
  Are disgusted by their own genitals
  Are rejected by their peers, feel alone
  Believe that they will grow up to become the opposite sex
·         Dress like the opposite sex
·         Have depression or anxiety
·         Want to live as a person of the opposite sex
·         Wish to be rid of their own genitals

 Signs & Tests 
The feeling of being in the body of the "wrong" gender must last for at least 2 years for this diagnosis to be made. A history and psychiatric evaluation can confirm the person's constant desire to be the opposite sex.
Individual and family therapy is recommended for children. Individual and, if appropriate, couples therapy is recommended for adults. Sex reassignment through surgery and hormonal therapy is an option, but identity problems may continue after this treatment.

(To be continued)


  1. This article is great. I can vividly recall the saying that "a pot cannot tell a porter how it is going to be made".

    For those of us who believe in God, we should be grateful to him for making us what we are. I don't think that I will be better off, if I was made a white American for example, instead of a black Nigerian; rather I am happy that God chose to make me a black Nigerian man living happily in Nigeria.

    Further, here in Nigeria, it is now illegal for same sex marriage. The so-called Western super powers may not like it, but majority of us in Nigeria are happy to marry the opposite sex. Every one is proud of what he or she is and that is how it should be.

    For example, who says that slim ladies are more beautiful than fat ones? Who says that tall men are more handsome than short ones?

    My advice is that every one should be proud of what he or she is in terms of physical look and gender, instead of trying to change.


  2. Prof G, thank you for such a fantastic response. What you have said is so true. The problem is self acceptance - many people are not accepting themselves for who they are; and instead of society curbing this menace, we are promoting it. It is very sad. Why should a child as young as four be suffering from gender identity disorder? We cannot redefine sex. You are either male or female, except you have an abnormality. This whole idea of gender change is utter nonsense. Biologically the person remains the same sex, forget the artificial hormones and genitals.

  3. Sad is the only word to describe it. The world is really becoming unrecognizable and the question i keep asking myself is If all this madness is happening now, what would be the world be like in say 40 years?

    Good article

    1. Crazy and Unrecongnizable! Even weeing in the toilet in a certain manner might not be allowed as it will be considered discriminatory!

  4. Chuks, it is indeed sad. In forty years time there will probably be a batch of new checklists on forms indicating people's sex: male, female, shemale, hemale, wemale, genderless...The problem is we are running along with the madness at breakneck speed. God help us all. I appreciate your comment.

  5. I have finally got an opportunity to give my view point about these government legalising gay marriage. And even to make matter worst, they forcing these madness down the throat of the Church, simply because they wish to please some very few.

    Right from the beginning, marriage has always been btw a man and a woman, the man leaving his fathers house and uniting with is wife and the two shall become one, say the Bible. Even ordinary dogs which has neither conscience or sense of reasoning knows the difference btw male dog and female dog.

    The problem with this country is too much human right. Too much human right is not good for u. Even birds and cats know they have animal right, that a cat can stand in the middle of the road all in the name of right.

    Marriage is not a contract btw man and woman as some may believe. Marriage is a covenant btw a man and his wife, because there is surpose to be the shedding of blood, the woman being a virgin.

    Another problem with these government and country is what we call ITK in Nigeria, meaning foolish knowledge, this is a case of the blind leading the blind, all in the name of political mandate. These government is playing with fire and surely these fire is ready to devour. That day is coming when a woman would say I want to be married to my dog and the government would have no choice but to legalise marriage btw human and animal, what a shock and after shock.

    I have alot to say, but if I continue this website is going to crash,so I rest my case.

    1. Well Paschal,
      as for views being forced down the throat of the church, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has just announced that he will step down at the end of this year (December, 2012).
      If the Anglican churches in Africa could lobby for him to be replaced by a priest with more scriptural views on issues like same sex marriage, that will help the church in England have a more distinctive profile instead of getting lost in the crowd!

    2. Ha ha ha... well said Paschal! Whether this counts as 'human rights' or 'inhuman rights' I am not sure. As for the right of a person to marry a dog, I doubt if that will be allowed, simply because there isn't a way of being sure that the dog is agreeing to the union. And legally that is an essential requirement for a marriage union.
      What's most important is that you keep doing whatever you can at every point in time. Remember every little help. For example if you are an Anglican do you know that The dioceses are at the moment voting on the Covenant, an initiative put forward by Williams in an attempt to prevent disputes between churches in North America and Africa over gay bishops and same-sex unions? At the moment dioceses look set to vote it down. So don't forget to put in your vote and urge others to vote as well!

  6. I agree with you on that one Prof G! I do not wish my arm to be a leg, nor for my ears to be eyes. For as the FresherAngle article points out, they were created fro different purposes. SO ALSO WITH MEN AND WOMEN.
    One of the secrets of self confidence is simply accepting and liking who and what you are. I do not have to become a man to be acceptable, nor vice versa.
    While some homosexuals regard their emotions as an attempt to accept who they are; upon further analysis, often there are underlying emotional challenges (such as sexual abuse) that their state can be related to.

  7. Thanks Fresherangle for a fabulous article. I just want to mention that if I try easing myself in the position of the last picture, I would definitely end up soaked!
    Good point on the need to love and not to despise anyone, I agree with that totally. We are all humans, with shortcomings. Our job is to support, not to write off each other.
    My challenge with the concept of homosexuality is that it seems to stem from confusion and breed more confusion. The first picture of the woman who became a man, then reactivated her womb again is an illustration of this. A closer look at the history of many homo's indicates challenges such as sexual abuse being present. This could be what led to challenges of self acceptance.

  8. It is important to note that the acceptance of differences need not be a bad thing. Black and white, mand and woman, tall and short, Indian food and Chinese food. Differentiation is not equal to Discrimination.

  9. Thanks a zillion for all your comments, Dlaw. Thanks for your comment, Paschal. This issue of gender is a very sticky one because people feel it is their right to express their sexuality & marry whoever they deem fit. But I've just found that the argument is becoming highly polarised, with one view threatening to eclipse any contrary views.

  10. Sir, I am an adult MALE 55+. However, I feel to remain as Female which I do not know. Sometimes, I wear women bra, dresses and lay down on my bed and my room looking myself with costumes put on face, neck as well polishing nails etc. .... And I masturbate I wear like ladies dresses alone and hours together I gossip that I am not a MALE but a Female and I wish to remain with female Company, in fact, I do not have any female Company. Is this an abnormal or if so, it can be corrected or is it possible to transform to FEMALE. KINDLY TREAT THIS AS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL and let me have your suggestions or any feedback on this aspect at :

  11. Hmmm interesting article indeed. I don't want to start talking from the psycho-social perspectives and all. I guess we should come to a point where we accept who we're be at peace within and not aspire to be someone else...some far-flung and illusory dream of an enhanced self that would make us better than who and what we're already!

    1. True, self acceptance is key. However, I also feel people caught in the web need to be offered a way out. There should be psychological help on hand to help such a person through his or her problems.
