Monday, 24 December 2012

Season's Greetings

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you have a lovely time with family & friends, and also remember the reason for the season.

Thanks for sticking with Fresh Angle & for your invaluable comments and support. I hope to find more time in the coming year to make your visits to Fresh Angle much more rewarding.

Much blessings.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Caught on Camera

That's the Spirit! Brave antelope tries to kick off hungry young lioness that's bent on making a meal out of him...sadly, he's still converted to packed lunch.
Forget fighter jets & attack helicopters. Iraqi, Hatim Salman, is building his own helicopter which he has called 'Diyala 1'

Heaven at last! African migrants are spotted & picked up by coast guards off the Spanish coast of Gibraltar